Dead Ringer

Dead Ringer

Genre: Audiobooks

Written by: Alec Reid

Narrated by: John Telfer, John Lomas


Total Duration: 1hrs 13mins 40s

Total Size: 101.185 MB

Release Date:

Major Marjoribanks was an adequate but uninspiring officer, too set in his ways and unfit for active service. It was time to find him a desk job.

A combination of buck-passing and office politics put him in charge of the Valhalla shooting range. There the training of young soldiers was subject to a long-established routine and Marjoribanks could bring nothing new to the party. However, he was also charged with the difficult task of selling off some of the land. Despite some local objection, he made a deal with a telecom company, which soon began  erecting a mobile ‘phone mast on what no-one knew was an ancient burial ground. Adam, a protester with something to prove, despaired of his followers’ lack of commitment and determined to bring down the mast on his own.

The horror that followed threatened the continuing existence of human lfe….

Written and Directed by Alec Reid

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